Friday, December 27, 2019

Reflection In Writing - 827 Words

Before this course started I didn’t believe I would become a better writer, but to a certain degree, I have. Since taking this course I have been able to grow and learn as a writer, editor, and creative. I have tried to improve particular aspects of my writing such as paying closer attention to my audience. I have learned writing skills and techniques from The Art of Rhetoric which I applied to my writings. In addition, an important and useful skill that I learned from this class was to start writing early. The next assignment was a working draft; it helped me write down all my thoughts and sources I had found and also determine if my focus was valid and in the right direction. After, having the working draft reviewed, the next drafts were†¦show more content†¦What I didn’t realize is that it lacked proper background information of why my father was coming in and out of my life. I needed to narrow my points down to what I truly wanted to argue. After reading th rough my draft and with the feedback I took a more informative and organized route. I was able to break down my father’s ethos and pathos to display the big impact he has placed in my life. For my Ethnography project, I was able to show my creative side which still required me to put all my ideas in an organized manner. Even though, there was no actual writing involved the imagery that I recorded I had to mean something for the audience. Also, there were specific questions and things that I had to record from my teammates in order to support my thesis. For example, little things that I recorded such as my teammates cheering each other was a detail that supported my thesis. For this reason, it showed how College track athletes do indeed have and need emotional intelligence. Because of their capability to understand the pain their teammate is going through. Thus, helps that teammate during their race because they know they have a whole team behind them. Such details like that helped to create an effective video because the overall product created the purpose of my video. In this project, I learned that it is important to sometimes be an organized creative so that my ideas can flow with one another so my audienceShow MoreRelatedReflection On Writing1796 Words   |  8 PagesNathan West Lang-120 Professor Graves 11/12/2017 Where Am I Now? A Final Reflection Narrative on Writing Writing is difficult. It is difficult to begin, difficult to stop and difficult to plan. However, it is surprisingly satisfying to create something that is entirely your own, made from your mind and a topic. Or at least this how I, as a eighteen year old college student, perceive the act of writing. I don’t write all that much outside of class or for a specific task, but when I do write somethingRead MoreReflection On Writing1017 Words   |  5 PagesThroughout this course, writing 101, I have learned how to improve my writing in many aspects. 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To conclude my writing 120Read MoreWriting Reflection873 Words   |  4 Pagesmy first semester at the University of Portland, the quality of my writing progressively increased. My English 112 class contained many different activities that contributed to helping me become a better writer. Informal writing assignments, class discussions, peer review sessions and the writing center were just some of the resources available to me that helped progress not only my writing ability but my overa ll reading writing analysis skills as well. Not only did I make new relationships withRead MoreReflection On Writing801 Words   |  4 PagesThroughout this semester I learned a lot about writing essay. Before this course I knew only one style of essay, because in high school, I wrote essay only for Literature classes. In this class I found that writing could be structured in many ways. Moreover, all reading that I have helped me to think critically and analyze all information that I get. A large number of examples in these readings and my own experience in this course introduced me that sometimes people are getting mislead, because ofRead MoreWriting Reflection937 Words   |  4 Pagesintriguing. Although some formal writing processes can be complexed. A writer must learn the importance of understanding the basic fundaments with formatting and structure. Academic writing allows the writer to converse with persuasive ideas to help support their arguments. In saying this, academic writing is very universal, and it can be a resourceful tool to use with many endeavors in life. Coming to Park’s English Composition course 106, I expected to be given one writing assignment per week. As anRead MoreWriting Reflection959 Words   |  4 PagesWhen I first started elementary school I was horrible at writing and speaking English, despite English being my first and only fluent language. I started every sentence with also and I could hardly say my name. I generally looked at my mom to say pronounce it for me. To be fair, though, Xzavior is a hard name for someone in Kindergarten to pronounce. I was so bad that the school had to put me in an extra English class, so that I did not fall too far behind. Sadly, I did not improve quickly andRead MoreA Reflection On My Writing811 Words   |  4 PagesReflection Sayed Aasim Qadri I wasn t looking forward to taking English 4U despite the fact that I am a voracious reader and enjoy engaging in discussions surrounding novels that I have read or currently am reading, but conversely, I absolutely abhorred English due to my experiences in high school. Back then, English was a long list of stylistic devices, poetry analysis, and monotonous written assignments. It seemed that we spent so much time learning how to write analytically that it consequentlyRead MoreReflection Of College Writing1637 Words   |  7 Pagesto undertaking this course, my expertise in writing was not as fine-tuned as it should have been. I had never previously been enrolled in a class specifically tailored to writing-- which was quite clear. Upon reading my past works, it becomes apparent that my writing style consisted of fluff, small words, and inconsistently structured sentences. These problems have, for the most part, been remedied with the coursework I have tackled in College Writing. Rather than long, drawn out papers that takeRead MoreReflection About Writing703 Words   |  3 PagesStarting a paper may be hard but once you start, the writing flows naturally. Taking the first steps and finally sitting down to write something for the first time deserve s that fearless attitude you get whenever you start something new. There are several words to use, beginning with one, will light the fire you need. Everyone must start somewhere. Now, stopping may also be difficult after you finally get started. My prior experiences with writing have been effected by many reasons. One of those reasons

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